Environmental responsibility
Fazenda Soledade believes that it is not enough to have economic success, it is also important to contribute to the social and environmental context of the region an enterprise operates or activities related to one’s economic sector. With these goals Fazenda Soledade has been participating actively in the following endeavours:
Member of the Board of the regional representation of FIRJAN- North Central region of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Site: www.firjan.org.brFounding member of the first board of the regional rivers basin committee, two rivers - CBH.
Site: www.ceivap.org.br/organismoMember of the deliberative board of the Brazilian Cachaça Institute (IBRAC).
Site: www.ibrac.netThe creation of RPPNs, along with the protected areas next to the water streams and also with the permanent preservation of forest areas, constitute a robust system of environmental care, ensuring the preservation of nature and their greater wealth, the waters. The creation of RPPNs was made easier by the enthusiasm and technical support from Atlantic Bio Institute (www.bioatlantica.org.br), received support from Diageo (www.diageo.com) and the topographical work was competently executed by Eng. José Augusto Steinbruck. Both Fazenda Soledade and the environment thanks the generosity of these partners.